April 10, 2023

Apr 10 2023 - The ancient demon-gods have returned

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Episode Transcript

During the last couple of years I’ve noticed a lot of Christians asking “why is there such a big emphasis on the LGBTQ people, especially now with the transgender movement?!” I think some of those answers could come from the new book “The Return of the Gods.” The author Jonathan Cahn makes a great case that the demon gods of Syria and Babylon in the Old Testament have re-emerged because they found a vacuum. Europe, and now America has lost Christianity that was the bulwark for our strength and freedom. “Nature abhors a vacuum!”  And one ancient God Ishtar, the demon-god of perversion, has reemerged big-time. Now we see Budweiser Beer and Nike using transgender people in their advertisements.  I’m through with Budweiser, and I’ve been through with Nike for quite a while. I’m praying against the demon gods of perversion that are destroying our country.

This episode has not been transcribed yet.
