April 11, 2023

Apr 11 2023 - I love my wife

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Episode Transcript

In the book of Genesis we read, “God made a helper suitable for Adam.” And on April 12th 1975 I married a helper suitable for me! Before I met my wife JoAnne, she been a world traveler, worked for the World Bank, spoke fluent Spanish, and had even dated a Mexican bull fighter for a while. (By the way, tragically the bullfighter was later killed during a bullfight.) She’s a great singer and I like to play guitar and accompany her. And best of all, she loves and follows her Lord Jesus Christ who is also my Lord and Savior. In other words, God made a helper suitable for my needs. But I also fell in love with her, and I’ve been in love with her for forty-eight years. I’ve seen a lot of marriages that just didn’t work very well because they didn’t think it through before they got married. Is the one you’re thinking of marrying suitable for your needs? I think that comes first. And I promise you that love will soon follow.

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