April 13, 2023

Apr 13 2023 - Do NOT question us!

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Episode Transcript

Democrats in the media continue to try to paint Trump, and especially Republicans, as a threat to democracy.  (Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA. Call 434-455-7197.) But the real threat to democracy is not coming from American citizens who wave flags, or who protest the validity of certain election outcomes - especially when the election failed to follow America’s laws regarding those elections! The real threat to our democracy is coming from our own government. It is distorting our legal system into something that was never meant to be - a system that’s no longer blind, or applies justice for to a crime, and presumes someone is innocent until proven guilty. Did you hear Nancy Pelosi say , “Donald Trump will get a trial to PROVE HIS INNOCENCE.”  It now targets people it feels threatens their grip on power. And so they're looking for any crime to charge their opponents with. So what they’re saying is, “do not question us!”

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