April 18, 2023

Apr 18 2023 - Biden - The Straw Man

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Episode Transcript

When I was college back in the 1960s, I was on the debate team, and we always aware of something called “the Straw Man” debate. The other team would have to throw up a Straw Man just to throw us off. It was called a straw man - meaning it could easily be defeated. But it  took our attention off the real debate. Have you noticed lately the big emphasis on climate change, the January 6th so called insurrection, the destroy Trump at any cost, and transgender rights. Meanwhile the US Dollar is collapsing, inflation’s out of hand, we’re being overrun by illegal aliens, and the horrific rise in violent crime. And we’re risk of actual nuclear war. But Biden with his mainstream media keeps us directed to “The Straw Man.”

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