Apr 20 2023 - Helpful hints for liberals
Episode Transcript
Today, more helpful hints for liberals! Do you want to show that you’re green? Shut off your air conditioning. Turn off your phone. Turn off your computers, your TV, and go outside and plant next year’s dinner. Also I suggest you ride a bicycle everywhere you go. Since Mr Trump was fraudulently defeated it in 2020, everything has gotten worse - especially the Democrats! And if you want to remove “To Kill a Mockingbird” due to its use of the “N”- word, how many rap albums are you going to get rid of? And if you’re with BLM or Antifa, once you’ve managed to defund and eliminate the police there’s nobody there to protect YOU from US! And we’re a lot more dangerous to criminal arsonists and rioters than the police. And finally, the “Payday” candy bar is probably changing its name because it’s offensive to people who just won’t work for a living.
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