Apr 27 2023 - Why the Left hates Marjorie Taylor Green!
Episode Transcript
The left absolutely hates congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green! And for good reason! I was watching Congresswoman Green on “60 minutes” and Leslie Stall trying to paint her as a radical. Leslie Stahl asked “And so you believe that Democrats are pedophiles?” Green replied, “I would definitely say so. They support grooming children. Sexualizing children is what pedophiles do.” Leslie Stahl said “the secretary of Treasury said if we don’t raise the debt ceiling, this country will be thrown into economic and financial catastrophe!” I’m asking you, “are you willing to risk that?” Green replied, “you know what put us in an economic catastrophe? The people who spent $31 trillion that forced this situation to happen! Stahl asked, “Are you willing to compromise? In other words, raise taxes?” Green said, “Cut spending! We don’t have a revenue problem! We have a spending problem!” (Thank you Congresswoman Green for having more common sense than Leslie Stahl, or any Democrat!)
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