August 11, 2023

Aug 11 2023 - Biden is Obama's 3rd term

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Episode Transcript

Although Joe Biden will go down in history as the worst president in America, B. Hussein Obama is still the worst thing that ever happened to our Republic. Beginning year 2008, Barack Obama laid the groundwork for everything we saw in 2020. He promoted Black Lives Matter, sided with criminals over police, championed the castration of our military. He was even the mastermind behind the bogus Russian collusion witch hunt. The devastation and destruction were seeing today has been over a decade in the making. But so many of our fellow citizens think the nightmare we’ve been living in for the past three years came from nowhere. They think that the Biden administration is made up of incompetent fools. The truth is much darker. This decline was by design. and in many ways Barack Obama was the chief architect of America’s destruction.

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