August 21, 2024

Aug 21 2024 - Dozens killed at Democrat Convention!

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Episode Transcript

As I record this radio spot on a Thursday evening, the Democrat Convention in Chicago is celebrating the deaths of 25 people, so far, at the convention. They’re hoping for more than 100 deaths before it’s all over. How can that be? Planned Parenthood is conducting abortions there, and Democrats are celebrating “the right to choose.” That is, the right to choose death over life. My question is this: “Is Trump such a hateful person that in spite of his great economy, low inflation, no wars, pro-life stance, wonderful economy, energy independence, is he so awful that it’s worth celebrating the death of babies by voting for Kamala?” For Democrats and Never-Trumpers, it well could be.  Because saving America isn’t nearly as important as killing babies.  Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA. Call 434-455-7197.

This episode has not been transcribed yet.
