Aug 30 2024 - Will Kamala debate Trump without outside help?
Episode Transcript
I haven’t seen Kamala Harris lately. She hasn’t been doing any interviews or press conferences. I’m kinda wondering why? She also says that she wants to bring notes to the debate with Mr Trump. Mr Trump has never brought notes to a debate. I would like to see what’s on the notes that she’s bringing. My guess is the notes simply tell her what the questions are, and what her answers are. After all, Barack Obama has been in charge of this whole thing. Meanwhile, Robert Kennedy has endorsed Mr Trump. I met Robert Kennedy’s dad Bobby Kennedy at the Democratic convention in Atlantic City back in 1964. I really liked him and it broke my heart when he was killed by a Muslim terrorist. I agree with Robert when he said that his uncle John Kennedy and his dad Bobby Kennedy would not recognize the Democrat Party today. Nor would they belong to such a group of haters. Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA. Call 434-455-7197
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