December 2, 2024

Dec 02 2024 - Choosing weeds by no choosing anything else

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Episode Transcript

Choosing weeds by no choosing anything else Just when you think American culture can get any dumber, Judge Sylvia Hendrix of Ohio that is advocating for parents to allow their children to choose their sex, their religion, and their race.  Hendrix ruled against the parents who didn’t want their child to have her sex changed. Parents really have no role in choosing what the child wants? If the child is  transgender, encourage the transgender. Gay, lesbian, whatever. My background is farming, and I know if I allowed my land to choose what it wants to grow, it’s going to grow poison ivy, kudzu and weeds.  It’s not going to produce corn, wheat, barley, or anything else of value. We were given stewardship over our land, and over our environment, to protect it and make it fruitful. Why would liberals say the children aren’t just as valuable?  Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA. Call 434-455-7197.

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