December 6, 2022

Dec 06 2022 - Freedom of Speech must be destroyed first

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Episode Transcript

Why do you think that our founders made freedom of speech are first right? Freedom of speech is under fire all over the world, and a lot of that fire is directed against America. For instance, in China protesters are being killed. Others are being sent to jail for protesting the COVID locked downs and the horrific lifestyle and number of deaths from COVID locked downs. The world’s largest company, Apple, is siding with the Chinese. Well, they know which side their bread is buttered on, and that certainly isn’t free speech or America. It’s Chinese tyranny.  And 700 people are still rotting in a federal prison for their unarmed protest of the horrific anomalies in the 2020 election that put Biden in the White House. Over half of America still can’t believe that he got 80 million votes while campaigning from his basement.

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