December 15, 2023

Dec 15 2023 - $10,000 for one pint of UNTAINTED blood

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Episode Transcript

What if your body could naturally produce something, and you could sell it about once a month for $10,000. That’s not a theoretical question. I have a good friend who has O negative blood. That makes him a universal donor. But there’s one more thing - he refused to get the COVID vaccinations, and that’s another rare thing. But the combination of the two makes his blood the most desired blood in the world. Just a point of that stuff is worth $10,000 because people want it. I wonder why that is? Might be that his blood is untainted! I’m A positive and my blood’s worth only about $1000 a pint. But neither of us are going to sell our blood no matter what it’s worth.  We’ll just continue giving our blood for free because we both feel so blessed that we have healthy blood.

This episode has not been transcribed yet.
