Dec 18 2023 - A rebellious "Merry Christmas!"
Episode Transcript
Tomorrow is Christmas and maybe the Christmas advertisements will end. Except none of them have mentioned theword “Christmas.” I observed none of them showed a straight white married couple. I’m not sure I saw a straight blackcouple either. There’s something about the word “Christ” that scares the left of the word “Christmas.” And as Jesus said“They hate you because they hate me.” And there’s also something about the left that hates “normalcy.” It’s notenough, because nothing is ever enough. It’s not enough just to destroy Christmas, it’s not enough to destroy normalcy.Destruction of everything we are is the only thing that’s enough. But As for me and my house, we’re going to celebrateChristmas tomorrow, because of the greatest gift from God that mankind has ever received. So let me be rebellious andsay to each of you, Merry Christmas!
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