Dec 21 2023 - Why do liberals and atheists consider Christianity as the ONLY "religion?"
Episode Transcript
Maybe you’ve noticed that when someone wants to take the name of the Lord in vain and use it as a swear word, it’snever “Buddha!!!” or “Mohammed!!!” or “Vishnu!!!” It’s always “God!!” or “Jesus!!” Maybe you’ve also noticed“separation of church and state” isn’t applied to any religion except Christianity. In the minds of people who think that“separation of church and state” is actually in the constitution (it’s not) the religion is Christianity. No other religion iseven real. During this Christmas week as we commemorate God coming to Earth as a human, to show us how to live andto die for our sins, maybe we can take heart in the thought that even atheists consider Christianity the only true religion.And the only one that they fear will change their hearts.
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