Dec 22 2023 - Patriot Heroes VS WOKE Liberals
Episode Transcript
My heroes include George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and othergreat Americans. Washington defeated the greatest army on Earth and led our country into the first quarter century ofits free existence. Lincoln, a Republican, saved the Union and abolished slavery from the Democrat slaveholders. Yeah,that’s true! (Look it up!) Lincoln inspired generations with his rhetoric. The Declaration of Independence by ThomasJefferson, the Constitution by James Madison, together gave us a country so free that people who hate our country, likeBernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Talib, and other progressives can dump on Americawithout fear of reprisal! They must represent their WOKE constituents, but they’re a disgrace to our nation. They inciteturmoil and division in our country. And that is most certainly anti American.
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