Dec 23 2022 - The Greatest Gift
Episode Transcript
It's ChrIstmas, and a lot of people don’t feel much like celebrating. It’s been a tough year for me, because several of my friends have lost family members, and several other friends have died after the vaccination. Biden economy is still terrible. Inflation is high, the stock market is low, and a lot of folks simply can’t afford to buy a Christmas meal because food has gone up so much at price. Well, as I think about Christmas, I think about God’s greatest gift to Earth. And as the hymn goes, everything else is growing strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace. I don’t know if December 25th is the actual birth date of Jesus. But to me, it doesn’t matter. I’m gonna celebrate the greatest gift mankind. But a gift is not a gift, unless it is received. This Christmas, I pray that you’ve received Jesus as YOUR Lord and savior.
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