December 27, 2023

Dec 27 2023 - Green Peace founder speaks out against Climate Alarmists

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Episode Transcript

Dr Patrick Moore founded Green Peace, and he has something to say about our global climate alarmists and their fight against carbon dioxide. He said carbon dioxide is absolutely required for life on Earth and if it’s reduced to the amount that the new Green Deal requires, there will be mass starvation. 5 billion people on the face of the earth will die! And you have to wonder, “What’s the agenda?! Mass starvation?” Won’t the climate alarmists starve as well? Windmills and solar can never provide enough energy to support the needs of Americans, not to mention the rest of the world. And third world countries were already in trouble from what our Democrats in America are doing to us. America is wasting an incredible amount of time and money, and President Biden be long gone dead and forgotten will this albatross hangs on the earth. That is, whatever life is left!

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