December 28, 2023

Dec 28 2023 - The "Negative Efficacy" of the Jab

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I have two friends who lost their wives after the COVID vaccination, and other friends who were severely injured. It seems the COVID plandemic wasn’t about stopping the disease. It was about selling the vaccine. There was a lot of tyranny connected to that. If you refused, you were called “an enemy of the people!” The Nuremberg Code which was written after World War 2 says, “nobody can be forced to be vaccinated.” And yet, that’s what they did to people. They decimated our armed forces by getting rid of any service member who wouldn’t get vaccinated, even though almost no service members died from COVID. This is called “negative efficacy.” Which means, more vaccinated people caught COVID than the unvaccinated did. Sponsored by Certified Social Security Advisors.  Don’t make your most important decision for your retirement years without professional advice on maximizing your Social Security payout. Call 434-455-7197.

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