December 1, 2022

Dec 01 2022 - "One-verse" Christians

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Episode Transcript

For a “one verse Christian,” there’s only one verse in the Bible. And that verse usually is, “don’t judge.” For them that means “whatever the deed is, no matter how dasterdly or evil, we’re not to say anything. Very few of those critics know the next part of that verse. “Go and sin no more.” So obviously, Jesus did say, “don’t do it anymore.” And then there’s Jeremiah 22. “Don’t mistreat nor oppress aliens.” So that means the millions of people that are coming over our border in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, we’re supposed to take care of them. That isn’t biblical at all. They’re not aliens. They’re invaders. Jesus never said the government should take care of these people. He said regarding charity, “YOU take care of them.” If you won’t take an alien family into your house, why would you expect the government to do that?

This episode has not been transcribed yet.
