February 15, 2025

Feb 15 2025 - Grift and Fraud is killing America

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Episode Transcript

Have you watched the video of the subcommittee hearing “The war on waste?” Stamping out the scourge of improper payments and fraud. It didn’t take long for viewers to notice the Democrats are desperate to keep the fraud and grifting going. And the Republicans want to take a look at where your money is going. They want to stop paying for programs and services that don’t benefit the American people, and put systems in place to stop future fraud. Video revealed that Democrats, by their own words, are getting kickbacks from sending your money to grifters and thieves. Americans are now spending over $1 trillion just on the interest of our national debt. And I don’t think taxpayers have any idea that each one of us are in debt $300,000. (Our grandchildren are supposed to pay it off!) What is wrong with Democrats? Why don’t they want Elon Musk to look into the fraud and grift that’s killing America? Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA

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