Feb 18 2024 - The Murder/Suicide of American Freedom
Episode Transcript
Last evening I had the privilege of listening to Dr Oz Guinness discussing the rise and the fall of republics. They rise because of a common goal, or an idea that a group of people can agree on. And when that idea has been forgotten or destroyed. the Republic falls. America’s idea was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, which we find in the Constitution and in the Declaration of Independence. This has held us together, but the ACLU and the left have been making war on our Judeo-Christian principles which made us the freest country in the world. Also the wealthiest. Dr Guinness said that “Uncontrolled borders naturally constitute the suicide, or the murder of a Republic." We’re seeing that right now. The Biden administration is murdering America with a flood of immigrants that don’t cling to the same idea that made us a nation. Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA. Call 434-455-7197
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