January 4, 2023

Jan 04 2023 - Phony Global Warming is now Phony Climate Change

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Episode Transcript

Remember the decades when Democrats had no great issue to win on except global warming? It was effective in scaring people in getting votes. But after years when warming didn’t match their data, it changed. Thus, criticism, but the left increased the climate change drum beat. Thing is, climate always changes. Clean natural gas was demonized by our 44th president, Obama, and his selected puppet, Biden. So a lot of smart people outside the United States are now going back to very dirty coal to keep warm this winter and develop energy to keep their economies going. Our economy is crashing, beginning the day Biden took office. Worldwide atmospheric carbon and other pollutants are exploding as Americans lead the world in DECREASING pollutants. But Biden IS increasing inflation, food shortages and diesel, oil, and gasoline prices.

This episode has not been transcribed yet.
