Jan 04 2025 - Shut down the Dept. of Education!
Episode Transcript
Shut down the Dept. of Education!Over the last five decades the federal government has several departments that are just useless. In fact, they’re destructive. The Department of Energy hasn’t produced one pound of coal or one barrel of oil. The Department of Agriculture has more bureaucrats than America has farmers! But the Department of Education has to be the very worst! Before the Department of Education came along, America had a 97% literacy rate. Now a 79%. Parents and teachers could decide what’s best for their children, but now bureaucrats decide how children will be indoctrinated to be good obedient servants of the government . The best thing Mr Trump could do isn’t appoint some guy or girl to run the Department of Education. The best thing he could do is just shut it do is SHUT IT DOWN! Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA. Call 434-455-7197
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