Jan 05 2023 - Biden-voting Women killing other women
Episode Transcript
Would women elect a politician who would stop all abortions, forbid school to women and girls, not allow women to work outside their home. Actually a lot of American women voted just for that when they voted for Joe Biden. You see, Biden gave Afghanistan to the Taliban. (He also gave them $80 billion from our best military equipment.) And women in Afghanistan were sent back to the Middle Ages. They’re wearing burkas. They’re staying at home. They’re getting beaten. They’re not allowed to be educated. And that’s what the women of America voted for when they voted for Biden. Didn’t they know what a stupid vote that would be and what they were doing to the rights of women, OTHER women who don’t matter to America’s Biden women? The Taliban had shown their absolute fear of Trump, and they wouldn’t have done any of these things. The Biden women voters gave the Taliban the green light to destroy women.
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