January 14, 2024

Jan 14 2024 - Reality VS insanity

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Episode Transcript

The most basic standard of understanding a healthy brain is “How does it process reality?” Mental institutions are filled with people who think that they’re Napoleon Bonaparte. For some reason their brains are diseased and they actually believe that. But now that kind of reality is running through our culture. For instance, I saw a crowd of people yelling, “Trans women ARE women!!” Does that make it so? Well, check their chromosomes. If the chromosomes are male, they’re not women. It doesn’t matter how loudly they yell about this. They’re men, and their minds are diseased. What about Black Lives Matter? When every year in America, hundreds of thousands of blacks die at the hands of other blacks.  Do black lives really matter? They don’t seem to matter to them blacks who kill blacks. But black lives seem to matter to white people because very few blacks are killed by whites. We will explore reality and insanity more fully in the near future.

This episode has not been transcribed yet.
