Jan 16 2024 - The horrific "collateral damage" of Covid shutdowns
Episode Transcript
Too little/too late! Francis Collins has just apologized for his role in promoting the covid shutdowns. His excuse was, “it doesn’t matter what else happens. There’s infinite value to stopping the disease. You attach zero value to whether this actually disrupts people’s lives, ruins the economy, keeps kids out of school and they’ll never recover from that. Yeah, there’s collateral damage, and that’s a big mistake we made.” Seems Francis Cullen ignored the “Great Barrington Declaration” which talked about shutdowns, and the devastating takedown of our country. But the doctors who opposed Collins were denigrated by the media. They were scorned and were made enemies of the people. In central Virginia, seven men committed suicide after losing their businesses from the shutdown. I guess they too are just collateral damage.
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