Jan 17 2023 - Deep State's Useful Idiots
Episode Transcript
A while back, I had some Cuban friends living in Puerto Rico whose father helped Castro come to power. And the Fidel had their father shot. Maybe you’ve seen the photos of the Soviet Union when Vladimir Lennon and Josef Stalin came to power. They stood with their friends, who put them in power. And after a while, you saw the exact same photographs, but those friends had been erased in the picture. Figuratively and literally. They were killed. Lenin and Stalin called people who helped him bring communism to Russia, “Useful Idiots.” Useful idiots are those who help the Deep State and vote Democrat. And who do you think the first people will be eliminated when the Deep State finally has enough power? It will be Christians who won’t bow to tyranny, injustice, and evil. But of course, it will also be the useful idiots who brought them to power.
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