January 23, 2024

Jan 23 2024 - No racist Superbowl for me

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Episode Transcript

There’s one activity I won’t be doing this year, simply because it’s racist! The Super Bowl this year is going to feature the Black National Anthem. I thought we were all one country, but now I’m wondering, “do black people want their own country? Why else would they have their own national anthem?” When we elected Barack Obama, we did so because we thought he would bring us together. Instead he tore us apart more than the Ku Klux Klan ever thought of. Come to think of it, Obama did NOTHING for blacks. But at the Super Bowl there’s going to be black emblems on the helmets. I see where liberals are trying to create a black independence day called Juneteenth, a made up thing just to divide Americans by race. This is evil and no freedom loving American, or even a truth loving American, should support this evil. Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA. Call 434-455-7197

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