January 24, 2023

Jan 24 2023 - UnAmerican Affirmative Action

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Episode Transcript

I just saw another TV advertisement for three favorite social messages, and they all have to do with gender equality. I don’t believe they’re gonna change the culture, not in the long haul. Then not going to produce anything useful because culture isn’t invented. Culture is culture. For some reason, equal rights don’t mean an even playing field. I mean, that’s what competitive sports are about. After every game we call the loser, and we call the winner. And it usually depends on who trained the most and who tried the hardest. It’s the way it is in life. What  if in a football game we told all the white players, “you can break the rules because we know you’re not as good athletes as the black players.” Well, that's affirmative action, and it's anti-American as you can get. But our Constitution guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome.  Anything else, we’re just spinning our wheels and making things worse.

This episode has not been transcribed yet.
