January 15, 2023

Jan 15 2023 - Biden's war isn't on gas, but on America.

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Episode Transcript

I remember about 20 years ago, when T Boone Pickens was trying to save the planet by getting everyone to convert to clean natural gas. And now Mr Biden is making war on the cleanest energy source that America has in abundance. Any real climatologist, I mean one that isn’t paid by the deep state, will tell you that natural gas is one of the cleanest energy resources in the entire world. The problem is it also made America energy independent. So the cleanliness has nothing to do with Mr Biden’s war on gas. It has to do with Mr Biden’s War on America. Now I see where he wants us to get rid of gas stoves. Well, that kind of bothered my wife a bit, because we just moved into a new house, and it’s all electric, except for her new propane fueled stove. I don’t think she’s gonna give her stove up without a fight. I mean, would you?

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