July 2, 2024

Jul 02 2024 - More reasons vote-by-mail is the perfect election fraud

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Episode Transcript

Let’s talk some more about the problems of vote by mail. Nursing home employees could hijack the ballots of feeble-minded residents. We saw that in the last election! Students attending college in non-home states would likely receive two ballots. What happens to them. College administrators could harvest ballots of recent graduates whose addresses haven’t changed. Ballot harvesters could canvas entire neighborhoods, collecting empty ballots from feeble minded or unconcerned residents. And political groups could force residents to fill up ballots under their “supervision.” Employers could force employees to fill up ballots “properly” under their supervision. Your spouse or other cohabitants could make you fill out your ballot “properly” under their supervision. So why do the Democrats want to hold on to a system that is so fraught with problems?!  Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA. Call 434-455-7197.

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