Jul 10 2023 - Holy Trinity of the left, part 2.
Episode Transcript
It would seem that the left is just as religious as the right, because they both worship 3 gods of the Trinity. As a Christian, I worship the father the son and the Holy Ghost. And the secular Trinity of the left believes in systemic racism, unrestricted immigration, and man-made climate change. Yesterday we discussed unrestricted immigration, and the false notion of systemic racism. Today let’s discuss climate change. Scientists don’t agree on global warming, or the cause of any other climate change. But those who want to manipulate data for desired outcomes want to distribute America’s wealth to the rest of the world through the Paris Accord. Which would not even affect climate change, but leave us poor indeed! As would the lesser demigod - socialism. The Left’s devotion to three 3 false gods is unimaginable.
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