Jul 10 2024 - CRT and the liberal war on children
Episode Transcript
In times of war, barbaric nations sacrificed their children to clear the mines, or to walk ahead of the soldiers as human shields to absorb bullets. It seems to be happening again in our schools. There are three goals on the agenda: Man-made global warming, critical race theory, and the “1619 project.” An 11 year old girl recently hanged herself because her teacher droned on every day about how they would all “die horrific deaths in about 10 years because of man-made global warming.” Her suicide note was just two words: “Why wait?” With Critical Race Theory: kids are taught that white is bad, white is evil. So white kids are hated, and white kids hate themselves. What kind of school would teach this stuff to children?! And what kind of parents would allow their children to be innocent victims of this evil? Today’s Tea Time is sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg, VA Call 434-455-7197.
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