July 11, 2024

Jul 11 2024 - Crying "Wolf!" 1000 times!

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Episode Transcript

You likely heard about the boy who cried wolf. After the 3rd time he was no longer listened to. It’s too bad that boy in the fable didn’t have a liberal press around! There’s a certain class of people in America who can cry wolf 1000 times, and the Liberal Press will show up. The latest of about 300 incidents was at White Bear Lake Area Schools in Minnesota. The police showed up because a white person had created an Instagram account which was used to send racist messages. There was a student protest, there was a walkout, and a lot of false accusations. But then it was discovered a black girl had created the account, and posted the racist messages. What did the school say about this? What the black girl did was great because “it raised awareness of social and racial injustice.” How many times are innocent people going to be hurt because of our liberal press?

This episode has not been transcribed yet.
