Jul 15 2023 - Why create a huge universe?
Episode Transcript
One of my favorite TV shows of all time was Star Trek and last week William Shatner made a surprising statement. After he went into outer space at age 90, he said “I realized that we had spent decades if not centuries being obsessed with looking away. With looking outside. I played my part in popularizing the idea that space was the final frontier, but I had to go into space to understand that Earth is, and will always remain, our only home. Gunter Belchly said “I was asked why would God create such an enormous universe, and only give life to one tiny speck of dust? Well imagine you would like to teach 2 important lessons to your creatures. 1 - you’re very special! 2 - but don’t become a megalomaniac because God is infinitely greater than you! The universe would get both points across pretty well.”
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