June 1, 2023

Jun 01 2023 - Just say "NO!" to China's human-organ industry!

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Episode Transcript

Did you know if you need a heart transplant, or a liver transplant, or a kidney transplant, or any kind of a human organ that will just suit your DNA perfectly, you can have it this week! Problem is, it will be taken from an involuntary victim in China. The communist government of China is harvesting organs and they choose the donors from a huge database. So whatever you need, you’ll get a great match.  The donors who are killed are usually Christians, or from the Falun gong, because their bodies are normally more healthy. They don’t do bad health habits. Just one of the many reasons I’m not gonna do business with China. If I see “made in China” on the label, I’m not gonna buy it! It’s gonna be difficult, but I don’t want to have to answer to God as to why I supported his children being killed for organ transplants! From here on in, please help me just say “No to China!”

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