June 2, 2023

Jun 02 2023 - Just say "NO!" to China's fentanyl!

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Episode Transcript

Over the last year, three friends lost children to fentanyl. I don’t believe any of the three actually took fentanyl because they wanted to take fentanyl.  But they were doing illegal drugs, and their dealers are mixing fentanyl in with the drugs to make it more potent.  Problem is, it also makes it more deadly. Where does fetynal come from? From China! They manufacture it and send it over our border with Mr Biden’s millions illegal aliens. Over 100,000 people, and some estimate 180,000 people, per year in America are dying of fentanyl! China has made war on America in so many ways, and the death rate in this war is already high. AND one-sided! Don’t support their war on us by buying stuff from China. Just say “NO to China!”

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