Jun 05 2023 - June 9, 1944 VS today
Episode Transcript
I was born June 9 1944, and what changes I’ve seen. I was born right before D Day when all of America pulled together to defend ourselves from the tyranny of the Nazis and the Japanese. Considering the way that WE making war on America, I don’t know if we could survive an outside attack. In fact this week President Biden said our greatest threat was not from Al Qaeda, nor from China, nor from Russia. But from “White Supremacists!” I’m not even sure what a white supremacist is! I know I’ve never met one! It seems to me that mythical creature, like the boogie man that stupid adults use to make little children behave themselves. And how can you not be a white supremacist? Don’t be white. Or be a Democrat, urge socialism. And as Vladmir Lenin advised, “foment hate among the races.”
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