June 8, 2023

Jun 08 2023 - College Campus's Nazi informants

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Episode Transcript

When I ran a business in West Germany during the 1980s I heard about the East German secret police called the Stasi.  East Germany’s Stassi had a tool that was inhuman, but effective – informants! Neighbors would report neighbors, friends would report friends. Anti-government behavior, pro West talk, antisocialism, and a myriad of other subjects that could get you killed after your neighbor reported you for it.  It seems that America’s college campuses have learned a lot from the Stasi! Stanford, for instance, has a program for informants to report any talk the college finds inappropriate. Pro-Christian talk, anti-socialism, or anything that isn’t pro LGBTQ. The problem is, kids that have a grudge, kids that are jealous, they’ve all now been given a tool by which they can destroy another student.

This episode has not been transcribed yet.
