June 9, 2024

Jun 09 2024 - I'm no better than Trump. Neither are you.

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Episode Transcript

Have you ever heard a Christian say, “I’m a sinner - but I never did THAT!”  as he criticized another sinner? There’s been a trial in New York City, and according to Democrats and Republicans (who know anything about the law and the Constitution) is one of the most corrupt trials in the history of America.  All to get President Trump. A lot of people compare Trump’s trial, to the trial of Jesus.  And a lot of people who object to Trump being a sinner, have missed the point. According to Scripture, I’m no better than Trump, and neither are you.  I can’t be a Christian like that. But Trump deserved a real trial. Legal scholars are saying this should not even been brought to trial. But the hatred for Trump is deep. Not just because Trump is a sinner.  But because he’s pro life, pro energy independence, pro economy, and pro America. Many Christians are turning to the testimony of a porn star, just because they hate Mr Trump so badly. Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg Virginia. Call 434-455-7197

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