Jun 23 2023 - Disarmed, then tyranny!
Episode Transcript
Every people group that was to be tyrannized was first disarmed. When our forefathers gave us a Second Amendment, it wasn’t after a hunting trip. It was after they won the revolution. Last week Montana’s attorney general was raising serious questions about the IRS raiding a gun store in Great Falls. Why would the IRS be raiding a gun store? The IRS agents seized over 20 boxes that had over 20,000 records of every person who had brought a gun. Exactly what they bought, and where those people live. So those guns will be easy to seize before the tyranny. Considering the Biden administration is putting 87,000 new armed IRS agents into our private lives. I wonder what they’re going to be up to? No, the 2nd amendment isn’t about hunting, or even personal protection. It’s about protecting ourselves from tyranny from our own government.
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