Mar 02 2023 - America's race baiters and school violence
Episode Transcript
I’m watching Fox News reporting on Columbus Public Schools, terminating their contract with the police. And now the schools have constant violence. This is just another result of liberals and the Democrat-controlled ignorant “defund the police and remove them from the school.” That makes the violence worse than ever. So I say, “Congrats to all those race baiters, and the race industry mutants.” People who put up with the stupidity are just as much to blame. They just keep electing the same liberal people. I know ANTIFA, BLM, and teachers union are working to keep the public school violence “status quo.” Seems everyone has their hands out, looking for money for solutions to every possible problem life throws at us. Taxpayers have become a pin cushion, but the cushion is full. We’ve just got to say NO!
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