Mar 07 2025 - The power of as smile!
Episode Transcript
Today’s guest voice is Steve Adams of Lynchburg VA.In the early 2000s I worked for a large multinational communications company and enjoyed the daily routine of designing robotic assembly lines. In those days we were hiring people as fast as we could to fill the plant and were even shipping in workers from nearby towns on busses each day. It was during this time that the company hired a random 19 year old from West Virginia as a test engineer. What struck me about Jack was this infectious smile he always had. He was seemingly always happy, and befriending him was easy. In time the company moved their manufacturing and we all parted ways. But I maintained contact with him. Jack went on to have a long career in another state, but we would occasionally see each other. His trademark smile was always present. Today we worked together in his company, and I get the honor of seeing literally hundreds of his customers explain to me how wonderful Jack is. What is so funny is, I knew that long before they did! Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA. Call 434-455-7197.
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