March 9, 2024

Mar 09 2024 - Trump's Givers and Biden's Takers

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Episode Transcript

Last week on the Sper Tuesday primaries, ABC interviewed a black lady who said she would note against Trump because he said so many hateful gracious things against black people. The reporter got what he wanted. He didn’t follow up with, “Could you name one thing he said?” Nobody can. It seems President Trump’s unabashed love for this country, his love for our citizens, his work ethic, and his struggle to become a more perfect union, makes liberals look bad. So they resort to telling lies. In this world there are givers and takers. Which category do you think socialist Democrats fall into?  I don’t think they know that those generous funds come from us the taxpayers. Or that all the government can do is take money from us, or print money and hand it out - which brings about the horrible inflation America’s suffering under. Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg, VA. Call 434-455-7197

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