Mar 14 2023 - Insanity of Voting Democrat
Episode Transcript
When do property values go down? In a city that’s growing, or a city that’s shrinking? Well, it seems the cities that are shrinking are all run by Democrat Liberals. People keep voting Democrat, and by doing so bring about more crime, less employment and lower property values. In other words, they’re voting for a life of misery. But they keep doing it. I’ve heard that the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again, thinking that the results will change. You see, people on welfare are afraid they can’t do anything but welfare. The Democrat Party is a little bit like a heroin pusher, hoping to get people hooked on welfare and therefore voting Democrat, even though it’s gonna bring them misery. So maybe we can just conclude whoever votes Democrat is insane, and they need our help to get well.
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