Mar 21 2024 - Democrats messing up their towns
Episode Transcript
About 40 years ago I rented an office building and I had 5 offices that weren’t occupied. So after I messed up one office, I moved into the next room. To the next one, to the next room. And I didn’t have to get them cleaned as often. Democrat-run cities are becoming a total mess. And I don’t mean paperwork. I mean muggings, drug abuse, homelessness, everything that makes a place miserable to live in. And Democrats don’t want to pay for the mess that BLM, (Burn Loot Murder) caused to their own neighborhoods. So the Democrats that can afford it are moving to other cities that are clean. Just like I moved to another office. Except they were my offices, and I cleaned them. Democrats mess up one city, and they moved to another city that’s nicer because it’s run by Republicans. Problem is, Democrats bring their destruction with them. Sponsored by The Caylor Wealth Management Group in Lynchburg, VA. Call 434-455-7197
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