March 26, 2024

Mar 26 2024 - The true victims of "climate change"

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Do you ever feel like a cow going down the chute and being pushed behind as you head into the slaughterhouse? I felt that way lately, especially regarding climate change. In the name of this fraud we’re getting rid of fossil fuels. For instance, in Washington state the Marxist Democrats passed legislation at 2:00 AM on the last day of their legislative session. What did they do? They outlawed natural gas! Working families are going to be paying roughly $206 more each month for their fuel.  Did you know that the Marcellus Gas Shelf here in America has enough natural gas to fuel the world for 300 years? And natural gas is one of the most efficient and clean fuels there are. Meanwhile, China is building hundreds of coal-fired plants while we’re sacrificing our citizens in the name of “climate change.” Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA. Call 434-455-7197.

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