March 29, 2024

Mar 29 2024 - The miserable few who run everything in America!

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Episode Transcript

Many years ago a guy named DB Cooper decided to hijack an airplane, and nothing has been the same since. I remember going duck hunting in Arkansas. I took my shotgun on the airplane as carry on baggage. There was no problem until DB Cooper came along. And now because of the shoe bomber, we have to take her shoes off. Why is it that just a few crazy people screw it up for the rest of society? Take Dr Seuss. His books and stories have amused and taught many generations the meaning of love, diversity, kindness, and how to laugh at ourselves. And because a few fringe lunatics said they found some of the stories hurtful, Dr Seuss is persona non grata. Because we don’t want to hurt the few people on the fringe lunatic left, we ARE hurting them! We’re setting them up for failure in life.  Sponsored by The Caylor Wealth Management Group in Lynchburg, VA. Call 434-455-7197

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