March 30, 2023

Mar 30 2023 - Americans asking, 'WHAT HAVE WE DONE?!"

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Episode Transcript

Over the last couple of weeks, the minority of Americans who actually voted for Biden asking, “WHAT have we done?!” Whether Biden was legally elected as president of the United States hardly matters to the damage that now is being done. Natural gas walls are being capped. Oil isn’t being pumped. Keystone pipeline has been shut down. It’s all part of the New Green Deal.  You won’t drive your car, heat your homes, or manufacture anything because the price of fuel is just gonna be too high. Too bad the rest of the world isn’t following our lead and the race that we were winning. We’re now standing still and everybody else is still in the race running. Our rancher friends in Texas and Arizona are having hard time farming because of the swarms of illegal immigrants.  And now Democrat voters are asking, “WHAT have we done?” And with China and Russia ganging up against us, we may never know.

This episode has not been transcribed yet.
