May 7, 2023

May 07 2023 - Proud Boys in prison. Soros continues destroying America.

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Episode Transcript

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last 20 years. you’ve seen the damage that George Soros has done to the country, and to the world. I noticed last week that four Proud Boys were sentenced to long term prison for sedition. They disagreed with the 2020 election results, and they’re disagreement was based on a ton of evidence. There’s over 500 people rotting in the federal Gulag for being in the Capitol building on January 6 2021. None of them were armed and no one was killed except one of the unarmed protesters. On the other hand, George Soros is bringing down America’s banks through currency manipulation and short—trading, one after another. He’s making billion$ which he’ll use against us. And no Democrats, and dare I say no Republicans, are standing in his way of destroying America.

This episode has not been transcribed yet.
